Why Study Packs Can't Be Added to Some Types of Classes

If you've tried to add a Study Pack to a specific class but didn't see that class when trying to share the pack, it's likely because it was set up as a Legacy Class. In order to be able to share Study Packs, you will need to create a new type of class and move your students over to it.

Why do Legacy Classes not support Study Pack sharing?

In early 2023, Ellii developed a new type of class to manage student assignments more easily. The new class style includes what we call a "Lesson Planner," which is a Kanban board that allows teachers to quickly move content into different lanes and instantly share the content with their students. In order to develop this type of tool, we needed to entirely rethink and re-engineer how classes work. Therefore, this feature (and the ability to share certain types of content such as videos) is only available with the new type of class.

How do I move my students to the new type of class?

If you want to take advantage of all the new types of sharing and planning tools that the new class type provides, we recommend creating a new class and moving your students over to it. Here's how to do it:

  1. Return to the Ellii site and make sure you are logged in to your account.
  2. Click Classroom in the top navigation bar and select Classes.
  3. Click Create Class and set up a new class with a similar name.
  4. After creating the class, make sure you are on the Students tab for that class.
  5. On the side menu, click Add from other classes. You will then be able to select the students you want to move into that class.

Reach out to us at hello@ellii.com if you need any help.

Happy teaching!

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